Bad Trips

How to stop a panic or anxiety attack fast

After going through a hellish bad trip, I was left with severe anxiety that caused me to have panic attacks regularly for almost two years. I desperately looked for help online, but none of the advice I found seemed to provide good, solid answers – I needed powerful help. One of the most common “solutions,” …

How to stop a panic or anxiety attack fast Read More »

Bad trip anxiety, psychedelics, and healing: my perspective

After a long, difficult, and mostly solitary personal journey to recovery from a bad trip and the intense anxiety it caused me, I decided to create this site. My goal is to help others understand their bad trips and recover from them more quickly and directly than I did. I believe that the perspective, insights, …

Bad trip anxiety, psychedelics, and healing: my perspective Read More »

What to do if you think psychedelics messed up your brain

If you think you may have permanently messed up your brain from using psychedelics, either because you feel totally not yourself or full of anxiety, trust me when I say that what you’re experiencing isn’t permanent. With a little bit of effort and time, you can fix it. What you’re feeling is a normal reaction …

What to do if you think psychedelics messed up your brain Read More »

What to do if you can’t sleep after a bad trip

If you’re experiencing anxiety and insomnia after a bad trip, know that what you’re experiencing is normal and that you will get through this. In time, you will be able to sleep again, I promise. My theory on getting to sleep My general theory of falling asleep is this: if you can focus your thoughts …

What to do if you can’t sleep after a bad trip Read More »

Getting on anti-anxiety meds after a bad trip

A scary drug experience on LSD, DMT, mushrooms, weed, and countless others can leave you with loads of anxiety that feels unmanageable, insurmountable, and crippling – believe me, I’ve been there. One option that many people choose is getting on prescription meds to lessen the anxiety they feel, and many people have success using these …

Getting on anti-anxiety meds after a bad trip Read More »

If you’re worried about having a bad trip

If you’re worried about having a bad trip when you try psychedelics for the first time, there are a few things to consider before deciding whether or not to try them. Why do bad trips happen? First, bad experiences are very rare for (1) well-prepared people who do not have (2) preexisting psychological concerns that …

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Bad trip anxiety and the first steps for dealing with it  

If you’re experiencing anxiety following a bad trip, you’re in the right place. I’ve been exactly where you are right now – and I’ve gotten through it. I created this site to help people who are struggling to understand what happened to them and how to get back to normal. I am so sorry that …

Bad trip anxiety and the first steps for dealing with it   Read More »